Friday, October 31, 2008

Hide Your Face so the World Will Never Find You

As I was putting on my fangs to go to work this morning, I realized that I had a confession to blog.

I'm a geek.

I actually corrected a student this morning who asked if I was Bella (of Twilight). I immediately reminded her that Stephanie Meyer's vampires do not have fangs.

While I am not a Buffyphile, I have a strong inclination that is only the case because I have never seen an episode. I love dressing up for Halloween, even though I am well past trick-or-treating age. And I am fascinated with the idea of a masque ball:

Offbeat? A bit, I guess. But wouldn't it be fun?

1 comment:

Crys said...

Oh my! One of my very first wedding dress movie crushes was on the masque ball scene in Laybrinth! It's not really a wedding dress, but it's white and puffy and I love the silver doodad in her hair! That masque ball was so twisted and pretty. :)

(Sorry, if I knew how to make that clickable...)

Also.. Is it weird that the only wedding dresses I ever dreamt of wearing were from movies?? I also wanted to wear Maria's from the Sound of Music and a white version of Satine's red dress when she sings "Someday I'll Fly Away."